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Shenzhen Jiawei Tai Co., Ltd.

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floking jewelry boxes/ring box,pendant box,bracelit box
floking jewelry boxes/ring box,pendant box,bracelit box
Specification: four sizes
Detail: it has four kinds of boxes.ring box,pendant box,bracelit box and chain bracelit box

rose-shaped ring box
rose-shaped ring box
Specification: 48*42/51*51mm
Detail: it is rose-shaped and looks romantic

box sets with gold buckle
box sets with gold buckle
Specification: 215*215/190*190mm
Detail: it can hold ring,bracelet and pendant

ring box with gold buckle
ring box with gold buckle
Specification: 48*48*40mm
Detail: it looks like wooden bench

brunch rose-shaped ring box
brunch rose-shaped ring box
Specification: 48*42mm
Detail: there is another style without brunch in the same size

little squre arc-top ring box
little squre arc-top ring box
Specification: 59*54*34mm
Detail: arc-top is its feature

antique carved flocking boxes
antique carved flocking boxes
Specification: 60*54*35/90*85*35/98*98*62mm
Detail: the sizes are ring box ,pendant box and bracelet box

oval-shaped flocking ring box
oval-shaped flocking ring box
Specification: 65*54*37/54*40*37mm
Detail: it has two sizes

squre-shaped flocking boxes
squre-shaped flocking boxes
Specification: normal sizes
Detail: ring box,denpant box,bracelet box and chain bracelet box

petris-shaped ring/pendant/bracelet box
petris-shaped ring/pendant/bracelet box
Specification: 55*50*35/83*74*38/105*94*45mm
Detail: the tail likes the Phoenix's tail and it also has sets
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